Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mobile Technology

In his classic book, Smart Mobs, Howard Rheingold described two possible futures for mobile technology. The first is a highly personalized smartphone that filters content based on personal preferences. In this vision the smartphone becomes an electronic personal assist that provides specific content that matches the user's situation, preferences and location. The other vision is an advertising platform that delivers unsolicited offers to the user based on behavioral information collected both explicitly and implicitly. The iPhone certainly represents the first real handheld computer with strong emphasis on browser based search. In a way the iPhone is delivering on the Knowledge Navigator video vision first presented at Mac World in 1988 by then Apple CEO John Scully. Google's Android mobile platform is an effort to both open up the traditional walled-garden created by telecommunication companies as well as an obvious mobile advertising play. I am beginning to believe that both the visions outlined by Howard back in 2002 are being driven by these two tech giants. I am hopeful that privacy concerns (such as the recent backlash regarding the Facebook Beacon advertising platform) will help reign in the trend towards unsolicited advertising. For 2008 I will be working with PhoCusWright on a new special report on mobile technology. As I dive into the mobile research for this project, I hope to identify how the travel industry can profit by implementing mobile apps for the leisure and business traveler. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the mobile special report please contact me at

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