Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Update on Fetch Technologies Spin-off

I wanted to provide my readers an update on my efforts with Fetch Technologies and the "Travelsmart" (actual name TBD) tool. As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, the Travelsmart tool allows consumers to collect, organize and share travel planning and booking content across all major travel Websites. Recently the last capability of sharing has been expanded to emphasize the collaborative travel planning and search capabilities of the product. The growth of user generated content is increasing the importance of a collaborative travel planning tool that combines the search efforts of the traveler, their spouse, friends and relatives (whether traveling with the traveler or providing advice based on past experiences with a destination) as well the role of the professional travel or call center support agent. Let's remember that Google does not work without a human driving the search. Travelsmart combines multiple parties efforts in planning and booking elements of a trip through a collaborative search process. We have a functional demo of the product that I've presented to over 30 travel industry executives. Overall the reaction has been very positive. Our short term strategy is to fund the completion of the development through distribution partners and angel funding. If your interested in seeing a Travelsmart demo please contact me at norm@traveltechnology.com

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