Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Personal Injury Lawyers for You

Are you facing personal injury case and need lawyers services? Just visit this site, they personal injury and accident lawyers who will invest the time and money it takes to win your case. When you take us on as a client we invest our firm's money to prepare the strongest case possible for you and your family.  

We will support your case with the most qualified expert witnesses, videographers to tape testimony in depositions, top notch graphic artists who prepare computer generated displays for court, we back up you with our 14 full time personal injury staff and a substantial settlement or victory in court by our lawyer to win your case. Many complex and difficult cases to court in all over counties like Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York that we have taken. 

Some of the success we achieve and substantial monetary settlements for our clients as consideration for you, you can read our verdicts & settlements like teenage recovers from Stepmom for fall out from a moving vehicle, $240,000 settlement for 11 year old bicycle rider struck by an automobile and many more.  Most people wait for months or years before filing a suit, please don’t do that, your case can weakens an otherwise strong case. Call us now so that we can collect all the information we need to start building a good case for you. 


Touchscreen Watch Phone

LG release a futuristic gadgets that LG GD910, LG's touchscreen phone watch. There’s a pretty low-grade camera but its 3G HSDPA compatibility, 1.43” touchscreen, MP3 player and text to speech functionality makes it a decent phone and a pretty hot watch. It also packs in bluetooth (so you can look even more spy-like with a headset), MMS and it’s water resistant. 


Improve Your Website's Traffic with SEO
SEO is very useful to increase your website traffic with optimize the use of your keywords, increased traffic will result in increasing your search engine rankings which are vital to the success of businesses in today's internet-savvy world. SEO services for you to balancing the use of keywords with valuable, rich, user-friendly content.

Speaker Bulb Lamp

The future human always want simplicity, this is a very unique design of a bulb that can give 

voice or music (speaker). Wireless speakers are there as are light bulbs, so you basically put 
them together in a rather sophisticated way, citing technological advances as your friend. Wireless speakers streaming music all over the place with the shimmy of disco lights; sounds eccentric!
Apparently the parts of the SoundBulb are replaceable and can be upgraded from time to time. 

The question is? How about heat factor,after all bulbs do produce a lot of heat and could be damaging 
to the speakers.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Travel and Tourism - Largest Industry - Small Number of Specialists

I have been working in the travel industry since 1982. It never ceases to amaze me how in such a huge industry, the largest in the world, people are so interconnected. This really hit home recently while I was working in Kuwait.

During the reception after this year's PhoCusWright in Hollywood, my friend and colleague Philip Wolf commented that I was the person he had known the longest at the conference with the exception of one individual. A few weeks later I was back in Kuwait assisting my client and interviewing a candidate for the CFO position. It turned out this candidate was on the board of PhoCusWright and was that other individual Philip mentioned. Talk about a small world.

Tomorrow evening I leave Kuwait for Amsterdam to attend the IFITT's ENTER 09. I have not attended ENTER since 2002, but I do see some familiar names. When I first attended the ENTER 2002 back in Finland I felt both a feeling that I was with my peers and that I was somewhat a "fish out of water". The conference is normally attended by academics and government tourism officials. The research from the PHD candidates is always fascinating and the discussions are on topics that are very close to my heart such as mobile travel technology and personalization. This is what makes me feel comfortable. What was a bit unerving back in 2002, was that I just did not know anyone at the conference and I was one of a handful of US attendees. With all the work I have done in Europe, Asia and recently the Middle East, I certainly feel more globally connected. I am looking to learning the latest in travel research and interacting with my peers in Amsterdam this week.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology and Supernatural

Can supernatural or the occult thinks be explained by science and technology? It is still a big question until now, in some cases there are some magical things that can be described with technology such as this case but in some instances can not be explained. Important issues that we need to know is that faerie there. 

MP3 Player Design

Nice gesign for your MP3 player, you want to enjoy your audio CDs while traveling but you also have a huge MP3 collection at home that you want to take with you. The ideal solution? DMP, a portable music player that supports CD and MP3 files. Use the MP3 player as you normally would, hang it around your neck, clip it on your jeans or place it in your pocket. Otherwise open both sides and insert your favorite CD and you got yourself a CD player my friend. Now that’s music to my ears. 

Bed Bugs Bites

Bed Bugs Guide will tell you everything you need to know - what bed bugs are, bed bugs can infest all kinds of different places in your bedroom. They usually live inside of mattresses, they crawl out just before dawn and bite you, sucking out blood for about five minutes. So it's always a good idea to get rid of them - because each bug can lay four or five eggs a day. The bites are annoying and they can cause skin irritation and rashes

Citroen Funky New Design

The day is here, the GTbyCitroen has got over its shyness and is ready to be seen by the world. Par for the French, the GT is funky -- and we're not even going to get into the seventh teaser for the car in which the car was completely covered. Contrary to the rakishness of its looks, it's also fairly slow. The 3,000-pound two-seater takes a virtual 3.6 seconds to get to a virtual 62 mph, and that's with a 646 digital ponies boosted by an additional 136 hydrogen-powered horses. As for the design, if you're wondering what that rear overhang is about, the phrase you're looking for is "retinal persistence.


MYA Cosmetic Surgery

Many people do not like some parts of their bodies. This can affect their confidence which can impact on their love life, career and general happiness. In the modern world now, plastic surgery is very acceptable, many articles, sites and television discussion about plastic surgery and is set to continue to grow. Top Eight Cosmetic Surgery Procedures are breast enlargement, breast reductions, liposuction, eyelid surgery, face and neck lifts, tummy tuck and rhinoplasty (nose corrective surgery). Top Five Non-surgical Procedures are Laser and IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Dermal Fillers, Botulinum Toxin (Botox), Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion.

Make Yourself Amazing (MYA) is the most experienced and skilled surgeons in the world, MYA are breast enhancement specialists who also offer the full range of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Each of MYA’s surgeons has carried out hundreds, and thousands, of cosmetic surgery procedures. This allows the ‘MYA surgeons’ to offer the best advice and to be able to produce amazing results. 

One of the many plastic surgeries was breast reduction surgery, many women do not feel comfortable having very large breasts, bad posture and embarrassment. Having very large breasts can cause the spine and breast pain. Breast reduction surgery can help restore proportion to your body.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Imagine The Car

For his masters diploma project conducted in Citroen’s Design Center (ADN), designer Antonin Maire D’Eglise set out to really break some new ground with his C-BIONIC concept. The hypothesis of the project is that in the near future, mankind will have depleted the natural resources so heavily relied upon in the automotive industry. This will lead way to a second renaissance, where de-materialization and genetic science will be used as building blocks in a more humanistic and poetic world.


A genetically modified tree is used as the chassis of the vehicle, and the rest of the body is made from highly biodegradable materials. The tree was chosen not just as a symbol of environmental conscience, but because it would require little engineering, and it is renewable. Ironically, instead of creating pollution the tree absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen. Each C-BIONIC has been designed to have a minimal material loss lifecycle of just 3 years, after which it returns to the earth. The only part salvaged is the electric engine which is reused in the next vehicle.


TMC as Consultants - Are We There Yet?

For years a familiar theme heard throughout the business travel industry concerns the evolution of TMCs from order takers to true consultants for their corporate clients. I often classify TMCs into three groups- mega (Amex, CWT, BCD & HRG), 2nd tier and third tier. This is based on size of the company and their regional or global reach.

Late last year I gave a presentation to a group of TMCs who were part of a business travel consortium. The group was comprised mostly of 2nd tier and 3rd tier TMCs. As is my nature I talked about how technology was driving new business practices in the corporate travel market. This included my passion around mobile technology and its approaching impact on the business travel experience. I have given many talks over my 31 year business career and I pride myself on being able to read my audience. There I was prognosticating on how advanced technology would change the role of the TMC, when I looked out at the audience and I suddenly realized they were not getting it! So I paused and asked a simple question, how many of the TMC executives had at least 50% of their reservations being done online. No one raised their hands. Ok I said how about 25% of their volume online? Again only one agency owner raised their hand. Then it hit me. This group represented the famous "laggards" segment of the technology adoption curve.

Let's face it, corporate booking tools have been around for over 10 years. The cost savings of these tools have been well documented, but here I was talking to a group that could not see their value. One of the more progressive agency owners (the one with 25% adoption) whispered in my ear that the current economic downturn might actually thin the herd eliminating those who don't embrace technology. The bottom line is simple. If you don't adopt productivity tools such as CBTs or BI dashboards, you will be left behind. More importantly, if you embrace these tools, the opportunity to move from a transaction processor to truly a consultant that helps corporate clients identify areas to reduce their T & E spend is significant. During 2005-2006, I worked with one of the mega-TMCs on overall technology and service strategy, recommending that they build a comprehensive dashboard for their clients and that they expand their consulting offer beyond the consulting unit within the company to make a part of the account manager's core offering. I was pleased to see this mega embrace my advice, too bad this group of laggards is still clinging to the old way of doing business.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Middle East Travel Market

I am currently back in Middle East. This is my sixth trip since July 08. Rapid growth is still the norm here despite the economic downturn, though the market is showing some signs of a slowing down. Even hot markets such as Dubai are showing signs of a slowdown as many construction projects have been slowed or put on hold.

The following chart describes the maturity of g
lobal market based on travel technology adoption:

The Middle East is an emerging market where online travel itself has not yet taken off. Corporate travel agencies are still primarily transaction processors rather travel management consultants.

There are both structural and cultural barriers to adoption of corporate booking tools. Most of the agency staff is actually Indian. Rates for agency staff are still much lower than in Europe or the US. Service is viewed as an essential component of corporate travel.

Despite these obstacles I do believe we are on the cusp of a major change in corporate/agency relationships here in the Middle East. High net worth individuals will continue to demand personal service, but many Middle East residents in my age group (baby boomers) were actually educated in the US or Europe and thus are implementing Western business techniques. With places such as Dubai now facing a drop in occupancy, online travel companies such as Expedia are poised to launch Middle East operations in 2009.

As this chart (developed in conjunction with Market Designs) indicates the evolution of a market first begins with basic infrastructure and online activity. Travel search follows with the adoption of online booking. Corporate booking tools are at the last stage of market development.

I believe the current economic downturn combined with the rapid growth of online travel will dramatically change the lansdcape for corporate travel mangement in the region over the next 12 months.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mobile Travel apps for 2009

A major New Years resolution for me this year is to blog at minimum once a week! During the last two months of 2008 I did not blog at all and I am determined not to repeat this long absence. My apologies.

A recent post by Tim Hughes of the BOOT (and VP of Orbitz in Australia) predicted that 2009 will NOT be the year where the travel industry embraces mobile.

I could not disagree more! Having now completed the PhoCuWright "The Future of Mobile Travel" special report, I strongly believe mobile travel applications will flourish in 2009 despite the global economic crisis. The two primary drivers of this mobile trend are the adoption of smartphones and the implementation of next generation networks (3G, LTE & WiMAX). The research clearly showed a correlation between frequent business travelers and smartphone adoption. Take a look at these two slides from our Special Report:

The key statistic here is that as of November 3, 2008 18.9% of consumers are now carrying a smartphone.

Compare that with our research results which found that 71% of Frequent Business Travelers own a smartphone. Additional research showed that 90% of frequent business travelers have owned their smartphones for less than 2 years, showing that smartphone adoption is a recent trend. You combine this with the explosive growth of 3rd party apps stores from not only Apple, but RIM Blackberry, Google and T-Mobile and it is clear that 2009 will see tremendous growth in downloadable travel specific applications.

These applications will be location and contextually relevant. The affinity between emerging mobile technology and frequent travelers will change the business and leisure travel experience 2009.